Post by Nephill on Feb 27, 2013 23:03:21 GMT -5
General Overview
Made famous by Boba Fett, and then Jango Fett, the Mandalorians are one of the more popular factions developed by the Expanded Universe. A canon history can be read Here.
One of the more prominent creators of the Mandalorian group was the controversial author Karen Traviss, who developed the language and culture. Mandalorian history was expanded by Black Horse Comics in such series as Knights of the Old Republic and Jango Fett: Open Seasons, and the faction was also developed in various video games over the years.
Many know that Mandalorians are renowned mostly for their fierce fighting skill on the battlefield, and their distinctive T-visor helmets and armor.
What makes the Mandalorians unique is their simplicity which makes them strong - the only thing that unifies this group of people, which transcends species and gender boundaries, is the adherence to the Resol'nare, or the Six Actions. To call yourself a Mandalorian, one only has to do the following in life:
- Ba'jur - raising your children in the Mandalorian tradition, teaching them the Resol'nare and leading by example
- Beskar'gam - Wearing Mandalorian armor and maintaining its condition - beneath a buy'ce, or helmet, all Mandalorians appear the same, unifying the people despite physiological differences
- Ara'nov - All Mandalorians are required to know how to defend themselves, and receive combat training. Regardless of profession, philosophy, or gender, all Mandalorians must be capable of fighting.
- Aliit - Society is centered around the family unit - the clan. However, this is not just an emphasis on blood relations, as adoption is common and accepted. Merely, the clan is used as a base for all Mandalorians.
- Mando'a - Mandalorians come together by speaking Mando'a, a language that all members of the culture speak to unify themselves and express Mandalorian sentiments.
- Mand'alor - When a capable leader appears to lead the clans, it is all Mando'ade's duty, the sons and daughters of Mandalore, to swear loyalty to the Mand'alor and flock to his banner. A Mand'alor leads for life, or unless he otherwise loses his position.
Abandoning or not observing any of the above six tenets leads to exclusion from the clans, the worst fate imaginable for any Mando'ad, known as the state "dar'manda."
That being said, the Mandalorians are a unique group of people who have managed to endure many galactic conflicts and internal civil wars, as these simple tenets have always kept the culture alive. Appealing to many, the Mandalorian lifestyle gives many a sense of purpose, and the nature of the culture means that those without a home can find one with the Mandalorians. The Mandalorian emphasis on combat ability keeps them strong.
Throughout history, the Mandalorians have both grown to challenge the major factions such as the Republic and Sith, and entered periods of extreme decline. At others, they have played a small, but nonetheless pivotal role in galactic events.
This is one of those periods of decline.
The State of the Clans
These are heady times for the Mandalorian people. For several generations, the unity of times past has been long shattered. The have clans reverted back to warring with one another, jockeying for dominance over the others. These Clan Wars, in a period that will become known as the Period of Clan Warring, have torn at the very Mandalorian soul.
Loyalty to the clan had been emphasized as most important, and each clan became increasingly autonomous and individualized. The unified Mandalorian state has devolved. During this time, many traditional clans were usurped and relegated to less dominant roles, and some clans were even completely wiped out. Mandalorian space is the wild west, where one is only safe if they are Mandalorian and in their clan-controlled space - otherwise, one is free game.
This is evident even on Mandalore, the Mandalorian homeworld. The traditionally stable, relatively peaceful agricultural homeworld of the Mandalorian people is engulfed in constant warfare, as dozens of groups struggle for control of their respective chunks of the planet.
The more powerful clans have citadels built in their controlled areas, with the largest spanning whole worlds - although slightly lesser clans control entire continents or large cities. Some clans survive in communal groups, being small enough so that all labor can be equally divided and shared in a sort of utopia.
But the majority rule as warlords, dominating and exploiting a conquered and lesser group of peoples. Others use slavery or forms of feudalism with the natives. Many Mandalorians have been quite satisfied with becoming wealthy aristocrats, conforming themselves to foreign cultures and ruling like kings. This is quite literal, as some clans are infamous for having elaborate palaces with hundreds of slaves, living in splendor. This has become partially ingrained into the cultures of some clans, leading to unusual and unprecedented political and social situations. These men have become enamored with life's comforts, and have unforgiving incorporated foreign elements into Mandalorian culture. Such clans rule more like aruetiise then Mando'ade - but no one has the strength to punish them.
Mandalorian space has also become warped, with some worlds being lost to zealous aruetiise (outsiders, foreigners) who have taken advantage of this period of weakness and wrest such historically Mandalorian worlds away from the clans.
Yet other Mandalorians, those disillusioned with the constant civil war, or others whose clans have been decimated and are in a period of exile, ply their combat-oriented trade as mercenaries or bounty hunters - filling galactic stereotypes for Mando'ade. There is no dishonor in this, as long as glory is still won for the clan name. However, certain clans may look down on some of their members fleeing from the conflict and abandoning their duty to the clan's fight for supremacy. In short, this sizable group of independent Mandalorians in exile is indicative of the clans' problems and further detracts from the overall strength of the nation.
The galaxy has been happy to allow the Mando'ade to war away at each other, as it has removed a historically powerful group from the equation. The major factions have little stake in the conflict, as it is not large enough to include their worlds. Crime lords attempt to exploit the situation, but almost always fail.
But now, the winds of change have brought a possible savior as the situation turns most dire. A man has emerged, an aliit'alor, who after leading his clan to multiple resounding victories, has declared his intentions of creating a unified state promotion traditional Mandalorian values, eradicating aruetii influence. A mighty champion, there are many emerging stories of how he personally leads his armies to resounding victories even in the most desperate of situations, and of how her personally challenges his rivals to duels and emerging the champion, thus placing more clans under his influence. There are whispers he may declare himself leader of all the clans and become the first Mand'alor the clans have had in several centuries. Known only as "The Cuyan," the survivor, his identity is more of a secret then his legend, and what is known as a fact is his unusual upbringing and life.
Those who have long wished for unification see their best opportunity in Cuyan. Other would-be Mand'alors have all abandoned the notion of a unified Mandalorian society or have been killed before that dream has been realized. Cuyan has not only demonstrated his ability on the battlefield, but his willingness to choose what's best for the clans over personal glory by abandoning personal glory and a life of a warlord. These ideas are unprecedented, and this return to traditional values of a unified nation are considered radical.
And not at a better time this change of fortunes could occur. A coalition of some of the more powerful clans has emerged, and have already embarked on a series of ambitious campaigns that has carved out a neat section of the galaxy for themselves. Calling themselves the Darasuum Confederation, they are a group of six clans united under one champion clan, with this clan's aliit'alor Kebiin of Aliit Loras as head. An older veteran, Kebiin is a cautious and devious champion of many battles. Intelligent as well as a quite capable warrior, he emerged about five years ago after brutally crushing his clan's rivals. Now, he swears the Darasuum Confederation will destroy Cuyan at all costs.
The galaxy watches this would-be unifier's efforts eagerly, as some clan leaders flock to his banner, while others bitterly plot his demise. What will happen next? Will either Empire interfere? Will this man succeed? Will the Mandalorians reclaim their former prestige? All that is known in these uncertain and hopeful times is there is blood to be spilled and glory to be won.
Read detailed information about the two opposing factions Sub-Factions of the Second Mandalorian Civl War.
Note: The renowned MandalMotors company was in decline and a state of practical disbandment (although the company never on paper disbanded, its factories were out of operation) and only recently got its assembly lines rolling again.
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